Author: craigentinny
Think braces are just for children? Advantages of orthodontics as an adult with Craigentinny
When you hear the word ‘orthodontics’ you probably get an image of a small child, wearing the classic, metal aligner. In the modern world of dentistry however, it is not just children who are undertaking orthodontic treatments. Indeed, adult orthodontics has never been more popular, with more and more older patients approaching our dental team to get that straighter smile they deserve.

Wait a minute, we hear you say, don’t orthodontics only work on children? Thanks to advances in technology and the sophistication of the aligners, whether you are 8 or 80, as long as you have good oral health, you can undertake orthodontic treatment.
If you are looking for a way to straighten your smile a little or want to realign your upper and lower teeth, come along to Craigentinny for braces in Edinburgh. Our team will assess your teeth and determine the perfect adult orthodontic option to help you get a straighter smile in no time!
But, what are the other advantages of being an adult wearing braces in Edinburgh? Read on to learn more about the benefits of this treatment in adulthood.
Better health
Whether you have a severe misalignment or just want to straighten out a few teeth at the front of your mouth, we are certain that one of our orthodontic options at Craigentinny can help!
Advantages of straighter teeth include the health benefits; everything from headaches to excessive acid reflux has been linked to misaligned teeth, so when you come to us for braces in Edinburgh, you will be improving more than just your smile.
Rapid treatment
Back to that child that we knew who wore aligners for years in school, adult orthodontics should not take as long!
Due to the techniques and design of many adult orthodontics, you may be able to complete treatment in as little as 6 months. So, if you have a wedding on the horizon or another event you want to straighten your smile for, our team may be able to help you!
Of course, the majority of adult life is based on appearance.
Research has found that people who have a straighter smile are deemed as more trustworthy; while that is an obvious benefit, won’t orthodontics involve metal aligners? Adult aligners and treatments are often more discreet and do not cause any negative change to the aesthetics of your smile. So, you can straighten your teeth, without denting your confidence! Brilliant!
Many adult orthodontics, like Invisalign, use computer technology to show you and our teams how your teeth will move during the course of the treatment.
This means there will be no hidden surprises, and you will be more mentally prepared and in control of how your teeth will move.
Exceptional technology
The technology we use for adult orthodontics at Craigentinny is top of the range; everything from accurate predictions of treatment times, movement of teeth and even 3-D scans will mean your journey to a straighter smile with us will be an easy, worry-free experience.
Need some extra help attending that dental check-up? Come along to Craigentinny!
It is a scenario that is all too familiar to many people; a dental check-up reminder arrives via post or through a text message, and a twinge of fear hits their stomach.
While some apprehension about medical appointments is normal, if you have either dental anxiety or a phobia, this can make walking into that surgery for your biannual check-up seem more daunting than climbing Mount Everest.

Luckily, if you are worried about a check-up, you will be glad to learn that the days of judgmental dental practitioners are long gone; almost every surgery is able to accommodate even the most phobic of patients and our surgery at Craigentinny is no exception.
At Craigentinny, we pride ourselves on being able to cater for even the most nervous of patients, meaning that when you visit our dentist in Edinburgh, you will have nothing to worry about. We offer online courses and programmes to help you prepare for your check-up mentally and of course, we have a wide range of techniques in surgery to make you feel more at ease in the dental chair.
So, why else should you visit our dentist in Edinburgh if you have a dental phobia?
Nervous patient programme
Unlike many dental surgeries, our team has invested in a targeted, online nervous patient programme, designed to help you feel more comfortable with visiting our dentist in Edinburgh.
Suited to those who want to beat their dental fear or phobia without the use of sedation or other medications, this guide will talk you through what you can expect at your first dental check-up with us, acclimatising you to the surroundings, tools, and techniques that we use.
This programme has helped many of our phobic patients face their fears and gain confidence; what have you got to lose?
Our E-course
Similar to our nervous patient programme, Craigentinny’s E-course is comprised of multiple tools and techniques to help you feel more relaxed.
Compiled from our team’s years of experience helping people who have a fear of dental check-ups, this course is perfect for even the most phobic of patients.
Of course, if you want to jump in head first, so to speak, our team will help you to do that too!
One of the fastest ways to relax in the dental chair is with the use of sedatives and of course, our team at Craigentinny can provide you with the most popular version of sedation dentistry; intravenous (IV) sedation.
Using a tiny injection in your arm, you will be left feeling extremely drowsy. As a result, all of your anxieties about your surroundings or the procedure will fade, and our team will be able to examine your mouth, conduct procedures, etc. without making you uncomfortable.
Post completion, you will have no recollection of what has happened and so, your phobia or fear will not be reinforced.
Obviously, as with anything that involves sedation, we advise that you bring along a responsible, age-appropriate family member or friend to escort you home afterwards.
Just found out you are pregnant? 5 reasons to book a dental appointment today
When you find out you are pregnant, your teeth are probably the last thing on your mind.
However, just as you intend to care for every aspect of your health to ensure a pleasant pregnancy, it is equally important that you look after your teeth during these important nine months.

As your baby grows and develops, your body is going to undergo some rather radical hormonal changes, some of which will leave your skin glowing and others that could cause issues to your gums and teeth.
At Craigentinny, our team has helped multiple women get through their pregnancies with ease, while ensuring that their overall oral health remains at a high level. Our dentists and dental hygienist in Edinburgh will help guide you through any changes that may occur in your mouth due to pregnancy, to keep you and your baby healthy.
But how can pregnancy impact your oral health? Read on to find out.
Pregnancy gingivitis
Gingivitis is a nuisance at the best of times but during pregnancy your chances of developing this condition increases.
Due to your body’s reaction to plaque accumulation, your gums are more likely to become swollen and painful. Not exactly what you need during pregnancy! Regular visits to our dentist and dental hygienist in Edinburgh can quickly identify pregnancy gingivitis, remove any stubborn plaque, and put a treatment plan in place.
Pregnancy granulomas
Another common dental occurrence during pregnancy is the formation of growths in the mouth.
Pregnancy granulomas are usually nothing to worry about and once your pregnancy is over, they will usually resolve on their own. However, if you notice that they are becoming painful or impacting on your ability to eat, book an appointment to see our dentist and dental hygienist in Edinburgh.
Depending on the size and the location of the granuloma, our team will aim to remove it with the use of a localised anesthetic, allowing you to eat and drink as you need to; you are eating for two!
Enamel erosion
In those early months of pregnancy, morning sickness can be a serious pain.
Each time you suffer from sickness, your teeth are being exposed to high concentrations of acid, which often leads to erosion of the enamel.
Seeing a member of our team at Craigentinny can help keep your enamel intact, through the use of fluoride sealants and medicated mouthwash. We can also offer you acid-reducing toothpaste.
Morning sickness, plaque accumulation and stress on the body is the perfect storm, so to speak, for inflammation.
Separate to pregnancy gingivitis, this inflammation can appear under the tongue in the form of ulcers and sores. Not exactly fun! Our team can provide you with anti-inflammatory mouthwash and toothpaste to help keep the inflammation down.
Tooth decay
During pregnancy, due to the aforementioned reasons and the unusual food cravings, you are more likely to suffer from tooth decay.
Be sure to brush thoroughly and visit a member of our team every two months to minimise the risk of decay.
Want to overcome your fear of the dentist? Come along to Craigentinny today!
Once considered a somewhat trivial matter, dental phobias are nothing to laugh about.
Indeed, many people who suffer from a fear of the dentist would prefer to endure months of discomfort and put their health at risk as opposed to getting into a dentist’s chair.

Of course, modern dentistry has found ways to ensure that even people who have the most intense dental phobia are able to relax in the dental chair and Craigentinny is no exception!
If you desperately need a dental check-up or another procedure performed in Edinburgh, but get into a cold sweat just thinking about walking into a dental surgery, come along to Craigentinny. Our team is able to offer you compassionate dentistry, a relaxed atmosphere, and if you need it; sedation dentistry in Edinburgh.
Our team at Craigentinny are also able to offer you more than sedation dentistry in Edinburgh, helping you to manage and overcome your fear at your own pace, in your own home. How do we do this? Read on to find out!
Online videos
At Craigentinny, our team knows that you don’t want to have a dental phobia.
Therefore, we are proud to offer you, as the first port of call, a series of online videos on our website. These will guide you through what you can expect at your first appointment, dental sedation options, and how we, as a team, can help you feel more comfortable in our surgery.
We also have an online blog for you to look through, which can provide you with helpful tips about how to manage your anxiety during your visit.
Where would we be without the internet?
A tool that helps so many people to learn and grow can now be used to help you overcome your fear of the dentist in your own home.
If you want to desensitize yourself a bit before committing to sedation dentistry in Edinburgh, why not explore the Craigentinny website and look at our ‘Dental Fear E-Course.’ Our results speak for themselves!
Nearly 60% of all nervous patients who undertook the course felt confident enough to book a dental appointment with our team and 20% stated that they could see themselves booking an appointment soon. So, if you are too nervous to book your appointment, our E-Course is for you!
Nervous Patient Programme
Remember, at Craigentinny, our team wants to help you to overcome your fear.
A bit more involved than our E-Course, this involves a member of our dental team talking you through a tailored, custom-designed program to address your individual fears of the dentist and helping you to work through them at a pace that suits you.
At Craigentinny, we do not find your fear of the dentist funny or trivial, as we know that it can have long-term repercussions on your health and wellbeing. Therefore, when you come to Craigentinny with a dental phobia, we will not only help you get through a basic check-up, we will help you beat it all together.
Need a straighter smile in a hurry? 5 benefits of adult orthodontics at Craigentinny
Got a wedding coming up? Want to have straighter teeth in time for those all-important photos? You’re in luck!

While many people assume that orthodontics can only help kids, as dentistry has advanced, this type of technique has evolved to help adults too. Known as ‘short-term orthodontics,’ this corrective procedure is able to straighten the appearance of your front teeth, giving you a straighter and healthier looking smile.
At Craigentinny, our team has helped many adults get that coveted straight smile through the use of adult orthodontics and braces in Edinburgh. We are confident that if you have a slight asymmetry to your smile or a protruding tooth, we can help you get them back in line quickly.
Why should you seek out braces in Edinburgh if you are an adult with a misaligned smile? Read on to find out.
Why should you seek out braces in Edinburgh if you are an adult with a misaligned smile? Read on to find out.
Better hygiene
Even if you only have one tooth that is protruding or a couple of teeth that are crowded, this can impact your dental hygiene.
Straighter teeth are significantly easier to clean, reducing the accumulation of plaque and bacteria. When you use one of our braces in Edinburgh to straighten your smile, you are also getting better oral health! Now that is impressive!
Reasonable costs
Many dental patients worry that having orthodontic treatment as an adult will cost the earth.
Not to worry. While the price of aligners may look intimidating on paper, at Craigentinny, we are proud to be able to offer all of our patients the option of a payment plan or credit.
That way, you can spread the cost of your new smile over several months, breaking the payment down into affordable monthly chunks. Fantastic!
Accelerated treatment times
While having orthodontics performed as a child is easier due to the teeth not being set in place, adult orthodontics focuses mainly on the cosmetic appearance of your teeth. There is no long treatment time aligning your jaws, expanding your arches, or ensuring all of your molars fit together correctly.
Many of the aligners we offer our adult patients at Craigentinny can give you a straighter smile in fewer than six months. Our fitted aligners can improve the appearance of your smile in under six weeks. So what are you waiting for?
Clear aligners
One of the main benefits of orthodontics as an adult is the variety of aligners that you can use.
Many of our cosmetic aligners are clear or invisible, making them barely noticeable to the naked eye. This will ensure that your professional appearance remains intact as you go about your day to day life, giving you straighter teeth at the same time. Perfect!
Exceptional long-term results
Post-treatment with a cosmetic aligner, you will need to wear a retainer to prevent your teeth relapsing.
However, you can rest assured that as long as you wear your retainer, your newly aligned smile will be with you for years to come.
Got a dull ache in one of your teeth? 5 reasons to see our dentist at Craigentinny today!
Got a nagging pain in your teeth?
While you may attend your dental check-ups every six months, in between visits you may notice some discomfort. Why is this?

Aside from dental sensitivities due to the presence of microscopic holes in your tooth’s enamel, the second most likely cause is tooth decay.
The bane of dental patients everywhere, tooth decay occurs when there has been an accumulation of bacteria (plaque) on the enamel that has not been removed. Left unchecked, decay begins to break down through the layers of the teeth, forming a rather attractive cavity.
While you may attend your dental check-ups every six months, in between visits you may notice some discomfort. Why is this?
Aside from dental sensitivities due to the presence of microscopic holes in your tooth’s enamel, the second most likely cause is tooth decay.
The bane of dental patients everywhere, tooth decay occurs when there has been an accumulation of bacteria (plaque) on the enamel that has not been removed. Left unchecked, decay begins to break down through the layers of the teeth, forming a rather attractive cavity.
At Craigentinny, our dentist in Edinburgh can locate any decay in your mouth, identify likely problem areas due to plaque accumulation, and predict the likelihood of you having decay in the future due to the shape and arrangement of your teeth. We can also offer you dietary and cleaning tips, to help you reduce the chance of recurrent decay and keep any fillings to a minimum!
But what happens if you leave a cavity unchecked and fail to attend an appointment with our dentist in Edinburgh? Read on to find out.
When you have a cavity forming, it is a safe bet that you have some stubborn plaque nearby.
When a cavity forms, it will have sharp edges, that will attract plaque like a magnet. This can result in inflammation of the surrounding gums, or gingivitis.
Our dentist in Edinburgh can repair any cavities in your mouth at the earliest stages and can strengthen the enamel with a fluoride sealant too.
Bad breath
It’s happened to everyone at some point in their lives.
We have met someone new and have been instantly distracted by their bad breath. While tooth decay is not the only cause of unpleasant smelling breath, it is one of the most common ones, which can be hard to disguise with a simple breath mint!
If you notice your breath smells a bit bad and you haven’t seen a dental professional in a while, book yourself an appointment with our team at Craigentinny.
Tooth decay is not a pleasant experience.
While the acids and bacteria break down the tooth, this can cause extreme discomfort for the person with the decay, leading to a throbbing, dull ache in the mouth. In cases of extreme decay and tooth degeneration, the nerve of the tooth becomes exposed, causing intense discomfort.
Abscesses and infections
Once your tooth has been left to succumb to extreme decay, the next likely stage is an abscess.
Caused by bacteria build-up in the root of your tooth, an abscess can be life-threatening and often requires immediate attention due to the inflammation and discomfort.
If your tooth cannot be saved with root canal treatment post-infection, you may need to have the tooth extracted. Not a great look and a lot of hassle.
Don’t let it get to this advanced stage; book an appointment with our team at Craigentinny today!
Think you don’t need to visit a dental hygienist? 5 ways hygienists can improve your dental health
You could be forgiven for thinking that in order to maintain a high level of dental health, all you have to do is visit your dentist twice a year, while also maintaining a good oral hygiene regime at home.

While these are of course an essential part of keeping your mouth healthy, as you age, or indeed if you have a family history of periodontal disease, you may need a bit more help to keep your pearly whites looking their best.
At Craigentinny, we can offer you a wide range of preventive treatments to keep your teeth and gums at their healthiest. Our hygienist in Edinburgh can help you maintain a high quality of oral health, while also polishing and cleaning your teeth to look their whitest! Talk about a fantastic two for one treatment!
So, how exactly does a biannual trip to our dental therapist/ hygienist in Edinburgh help keep your mouth healthy?
Learn how to care for your teeth
It may seem like an odd thing to need to visit a dental professional for, but based on your individual teeth, diet, health, and age, a dental therapist can target your home dental hygiene routine, to keep your teeth and gums in top condition.
Upon completing an examination of your mouth, our hygienist in Edinburgh will be able to identify areas that you are missing and where plaque is accumulating, and advise you on how to care for this area correctly. They can also advise you on which toothbrush is best suited to your mouth and also discuss with you which toothpaste and mouthwash you would benefit the most from.
Detecting and treating gum disease
As we age, or if we have poor oral health, we are more susceptible to gum or periodontal diseases.
While a trip to your regular dentist can identify gum disease, a trip to a dental therapist can assess the severity of the condition, suggest a treatment plan and work at removing any offending plaque.
Dental therapists can provide those who have gum disease with medicated mouthwashes and toothpaste too, to help you fight the disease at home.
Fluoride treatments
If you have the tell-tale signs of cavity formation, a dental therapist can apply a fluoride sealant to your teeth.
This will help harden the weakened enamel, restore the tooth and prevent the cavity from forming; a great way to prevent decay and infection from spreading!
Plaque removal
Known as the ‘scale and polish,’ our dental therapists can remove plaque both above and below your gum line.
This treatment prevents gum disease, cavities, and infections, whilst also whitening your smile and giving your teeth an additional sparkle!
Oral cancer screening
Oral cancer rates are rising in the UK, and at Craigentinny, we are proud to be able to offer our patients oral cancer screening as part of a dental therapist visit.
If our team is concerned with your examination, we will send you to an oral cancer specialist to continue the treatment as soon as possible.
Nervous about an upcoming dental appointment? How sedation dentistry at Craigentinny can help you
At Craigentinny Dental, we know how daunting it can be to attend a check-up when you have a fear of the dentist.
In the past, those who suffered from dental phobias were subjected to ridicule from dental professionals, making the entire process more unpleasant and adding to the fear. Today, this practice has long since been abolished, in favour of offering those with a dental phobia a more warm and welcoming environment, free from judgement and lecturing.

At Craigentinny, our team is proud of the services we can offer to those who suffer from dental phobia. Everything from E-Courses to sedation dentistry in Edinburgh, our team has worked hard to cover all bases to ensure that you overcome your fear with as much help and support as possible.
In this article, we will discuss the benefits of our sedation dentistry in Edinburgh and how we can work with you to become more desensitised to sitting in the dental chair.
What is dental sedation?
At Craigentinny, we are aware that not everyone who is scared of the dentist can be consoled by simply talking to a member of our dental team.
Many of our patients suffer from a very severe phobia of visiting our practice, so we are always able to offer sedation dentistry in Edinburgh to those who need it. Administered through a drip in the arm (intravenously), our team will sedate you before any treatment begins on your teeth and once the procedure is completed, you will be taken to a side room to recuperate.
We must advise that you bring someone responsible and age appropriate with you for this procedure and that you do not operate heavy machinery for 24 hours afterward.
Of course, the obvious benefit of intravenous sedatives is that they relax you and allow our team to perform check-ups and procedures without causing you distress. But what are the other benefits?
No memory
Dental phobias are typically based on a negative experience; maybe you had a poor dentist as a child who didn’t listen to you when you told them to be more gentle.
One of the key benefits of our sedative treatments is that afterward, you will have no memory of the procedure. Even if you have had 3 teeth extracted and a root canal, you will not remember any of it!
Most of our phobic patients agree that a minor injection in the arm is less invasive than being wide awake while a dentist examines your teeth.
Sedatives allow our team to examine your mouth with ease, without causing you to feel invaded or violated.
No discomfort
Typically, when you have a filling or extraction, there are lots of needles to help numb your mouth.
With sedatives, there is no need for any additional needles and when you are so relaxed, you will feel no pain. When you are fully conscious, if there is discomfort, you will not associate it with dentistry and will, in time, feel more comfortable about attending our dental surgery for treatment.
Curious about fast adult orthodontics? Braces and aligners our team can offer you at Craigentinny
Once associated with young children, aligners and other forms of orthodontic treatments are now becoming more popular with adults.
As an adult or even a teenager, it can seem strange to pursue orthodontic treatments. There is a somewhat persistent idea amongst the general public that aligners can only help children get straighter teeth, that if you missed the window of opportunity as a child, you will have to accept your crooked teeth forever!

Luckily, this is not the case anymore!
At Craigentinny, we are able to offer all of our adult and teenage patients a range of braces in Edinburgh, including the world-famous Invisalign and the Inman Aligner. Our dentists will take time to assess which aligner is best suited to you, helping you get the smile you deserve faster!
So, when looking for braces in Edinburgh, which types are available? Read on for a brief overview of the aligners we have to offer at Craigentinny.
The closest you will ever get to a truly invisible aligner, Invisalign is one of our more popular braces in Edinburgh.
Suitable for those who have mild to moderate misalignment issues, this aligner is custom-fitted to fit over your teeth like a glove, for maximum comfort and stability. Using a set of opposing coils, this aligner moves your teeth gently over several months into their new positions, without causing discomfort or requiring tightening.
Our dental team at Craigentinny will assess your suitability for the Invisalign aligner; if you are suitable, we will take a 3-D scan of your mouth and using computer technology, show you how your teeth are going to move over the next few months, to help you recognise the progress you will make.
Inman Aligner
Perfect for correcting teeth that require minimal movement, the Inman Aligner offers an accelerated treatment option for adults.
Working in as little as 18 weeks, this aligner is fully removable and can be fitted around a busy lifestyle, while also helping get your teeth into their desired position.
Similar to Invisalign, the Inman Aligner uses opposing coils to move your teeth into their new position, causing a larger range of movement than Invisalign but offering faster results.
You will need to wear the aligner for up to 20 hours per day, depending on the advice of one of Craigentinny’s Inman Aligner specialists, and we will need to see you on average every 3 weeks to ensure that the treatment is working correctly.
Six Month Smiles
It’s all in the name!
A fixed system that offers additional predictability versus both the Inman Aligner and Invisalign, Six Month Smiles can help correct a wider range of dental issues, without causing discomfort.
The brackets of this aligner are matched to your teeth, while the wires may be slightly noticeable but not strikingly so. Worn for an average of 24 weeks, this aligner is powerful and extremely successful at realigning crooked or misaligned teeth.
Want to know more about our range of aligners for adults? Contact Craigentinny today!
Do you suffer from extreme anxiety when seeing your dentist? Come to Craigentinny Dental Care!
Do you have a fear of dental check-ups? Does the thought of even walking into a dental surgery fill you with dread?

Dental phobias go hand in hand with irregular dental appointments and unfortunately, they also go hand in hand with more extreme dental procedures such as extractions and root canals.
Luckily, the days of the judgemental dentist wagging their finger at you for not attending are long gone!
At Craigentinny, our dentist in Edinburgh is trained to be sympathetic to patients who suffer from dental phobias and to provide the most relaxing and comfortable experience possible, to help them overcome their worries about attending those biannual check-ups!
So, what options can we offer you to help you overcome your phobia? Read on to find out!
Nervous Patient Programme
Many people who are scared when they visit our dentist in Edinburgh are also worried that they will be laughed at or belittled.
At Craigentinny, we take your fears very seriously and will never laugh at you for being scared. Our team will aim to help you overcome your fear at your own pace and will be supportive throughout the entire process.
Best suited to patients who wish to overcome their fears without requiring sedation or medication, our Nervous Patient Programme on our website will guide you through what you can expect during your first visit to our surgery. There are no off-putting images or videos of dental procedures, just members of our team talking you through what you can expect from us.
Dental Fear E-Course
If the thought of booking an appointment to see our dentist in Edinburgh makes you anxious, you may benefit from our E-Course, designed to help you overcome your worries.
This course was designed so patients could access it in their own time and complete it at their own pace, without having to set foot into our surgery! It is free to all and is the combined effort of all of our dental staff who have worked with patients with phobias. It has had an extremely high success rate with previously phobic patients, who have reported to us that they have felt more able to, not only book a dental appointment, but have felt more confident to actually come to our surgery and undertake an examination!
If you feel this is more suited to you, please contact our team today for online access.
Sedation options
Of course, if your dental phobia is extreme and you are in urgent need of a dental check-up, our team at Craigentinny will be able to offer you sedation as an option.
Before undertaking any form of sedation, we will require you to attend a free 20 minute appointment, so our team can assess your previous medical history and determine if it is safe.
On the day of the procedure, we ask that you bring along a responsible family member or friend, who is over the age of 18, to escort you home afterwards to ensure that you are safe.